I greatly appreciate all of the support and the large following I have behind this blog. While I was set to post every Friday and Sunday, which then changed to Thursdays, I know that I have not been faithful to these deadlines and therefore may be lacking your attention lately. As of this moment I want to state that there is no set schedule. Life is crazy. Things happen. And sometimes it's hard for me to feel motivated to write or to even have the time to sit at my computer. I would much rather take the time to create an amazing well thought out post then to half ass a post just to make a dead line. I want to give my readers my best. And lately I have failed at being able to do so. I apologize. I love and appreciate all my readers and I hope you guys will stick around and wait to see what happens. I will try my best to get posts out to you guys soon. Hope everyone is having a great summer!