Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Recent death in my family. Haven't been up for writing lately. I apologize. When I feel up to coming back it will be with multiple posts. I promise.


  1. So sorry to hear! All of us will be thinking of you! And patiently waiting, of course.

  2. Sorry to hear about that.. Take your time and we will see you when you come back!

  3. I still miss you but now I understand! While it certainly wasn't necessary for you to divulge that I appreciate your honesty. Good luck and see you soon.

  4. Here's another great blog to check out in the meantime: http://californiasoulblog.wordpress.com/

  5. Sorry for your loss. I just found you (thanks to the comment in californiasoulblog) and just got caught up. I'm really enjoying it. mum
